Thief River Falls Skating Club


[2023 - 2024] BOARD MEMBERS

Chasidy Hruby

President | Learn to Skate Director

Monica Swanson

Vice President | Jr Board Advisor

Kayla Jore


Benjamin Hruby

Treasurer | SafeSport Chair

Allison Rushman

Board Member

Meeting Guidelines

1. The board has monthly meetings that take place on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at the Thief River Falls Library otherwise noted. Our meeting schedule is posted on our website through the end of the year. If an adjustment must be made, an update will be sent to members via e-mail and announced on our Facebook page.

2. We will post the upcoming agenda at least 7 days prior to the next board meeting.  Click the "Agendas" link to the right to view the agenda.

3. Board meeting minutes will be posted within 2 days of the board meeting at which the minutes are approved.  Click the "Minutes” link to the right, to see past minutes.

4. If a member wishes to present a concern at an upcoming board meeting, the member must notify the President and the Secretary of their request, no later than 4 days prior to the next board meeting.

5. All current members that are in good standing, are always welcome to attend any board meeting as a guest, there to view the board functions, but not to present unless a request to present was submitted within the time frame above.

2024 schedule

  • January 16
  • February 20
  • March  19
  • April 16
  • May 21
  • June 18
  • July 16
  • August 20
  • September 17
  • October 15
  • November 19
  • December 17